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Moved to San Francisco!

Moved to San Francisco!

If you follow us on IG, you already know that WAAS was born and has been based in Los Angeles since the very beginning.

I moved to the Los Angeles from Mexico in 2000. LA is everything to me. It's the City that broke me, taught me, re-built me and made me who I am.

My mom passed away at the end of 2016 and in early 2017 I felt, let's call it a voice of guidance, telling me that I needed to move to SF. Why SF? I have no clue! I had only been to SF twice. Once when I was 4 years old and once in 2019, for 24 hours to run the SF marathon. So it's not like I had any specific ties or anything to the City. In fact I knew no one that lived here.

In 2017 I came to do a trade show and used it as an excuse to check out the city. I loved it, I knew this "voice" was right and needed to move here.

Since I wanted to know everything about SF I made the mistake of joining the SF Reddit Community which now I know is where residents of SF go to bitch about the City. Honestly they scared me. They complained about drugs, needles, robbery, (human) poop on every street, etc... So I was like "nah, maybe SF is not the best idea". I put the guidance to the side and decided to stay in LA.

Now as we all know, when the Universe wants you to do something, it will first whisper it and send you a hunch, but if you don't listen, then it will scream at you and then if you don't listen to that, it will probably be a tornado that physically takes you from one place to another. I don't like tornadoes so I decided when I started getting all the signs again in 2019 to pack up and MOVE that I needed to do it. So in August 2019, I came to SF for another show, and looked for places to live. Fell in love with the City of Tiburon (north of the Golden Gate bridge) and as soon as the Valentine's Day rush ended, packed up and moved here.

It was NOT EASY to pack my 4 brands, life, dog, etc... and take them to another city but it was also a great way to re-organize, simplify, declutter and start with some fresh energy.

So now I am happy to say We Are All Smith is based in San Francisco.

I am super excited (once the world reopens and we control the COVID19 virus) to explore the City, do tons of photoshoots, and also do all the awesome shows that San Francisco has year long. We already applied to Renegade Craft and a ton of other shows in the City and hopefully soon, the "shelter in place" orders will end and life will go on.

For now, we are staying at home, shipping your orders daily (WAAS HQ is attached to our home for the time being), and using the time to work on new images, new catalog, stock, etc.

Here are a few snaps from the Journey Home.

WAAS moves to SF

 WAAS moves to SF 

Honestly my biggest worry about the entire move was to not traumatize my baby, Smithy.

WAAS moves to SF

That's Jake (our BFF and photographer) driving the UHAUL

WAAS moves to SF

The road from LA to SF is full of these. What are they? Pistaccio trees!

WAAS moves to SF

I think the trauma is setting in! (haha)

WAAS moves to SF

Almost home.

WAAS moves to SF

What is it about this bridge that every time you cross it, it's so EPIC?

WAAS moves to SF


WAAS moves to SF

WAAS moves to SF

WAAS moves to SF

WAAS moves to SF

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